Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blendtec Helping to Raise GP Awareness

It's only a few months away from the 2nd annual Awareness Walk for Gastroparesis and I'm so excited about this year's big sponsor.  Blendtec has generously donated 2 of their incredible "super" blenders,  as I like to call them, to help us raise money that will go towards research specifically for GP through the Digestive Health Alliance.

As you can see on the package, they like to say it will "Make Life Smoother," which I could not agree more.  One of the biggest challenges for anyone with digestive disorders is the ability to take in enough nutrition.  Healthy fruits like berries, and veggies such as spinach become a thing of the past for some.  Blendtec is beyond powerful with a blade that spins at over 300 mph and up to 5 times faster than other blenders.  This technology has serisously changed my life!  I'm able to toss in fresh grown strawberries from my garden, cook vegetables and puree them for soups or cubes to freeze and I've even made pumpkin coconut milk ice cream for a tasty treat.

I'm sure you are curious as to how we are going to use the blenders to raise money.  Aside from the sponsors donating funds and prizes, the money used for research needs to come from anyone and everyone we can reach out to.  In addition, it is all about spreading awareness.  To accomplish both we will be selling the t-shirts again this year, which have a funky design that will catch the attention of those around you AND every dollar spent goes directly towards research (see here for more about how last year's funds are being used).
Here is where the Blendtec comes in.  For every t-shirt donation your name will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win.  Not only are you getting a snazzy T that will have people asking more about GP, plus giving funds to a cause that will hopefully provide us with a cure one day, and there is a possibility to win one of these amazing blenders!
Note, this pre-sale will end August 15th in order to go to print.  Shirts will be mailed out first week of September.  This gives us an estimate of how many to purchase from American Apparel and the necessary funds ahead of time for the actual order.    

Options for donating: Cost - $20 + shipping ($5 ships up to 4 shirts)
-You can go to this link for information about a-wear-ness packages.
Live in or near Bellingham?  Send me an email and I'm happy to meet up with you to save shipping costs!

To find out more about details for this year's walk go to this link.  Questions?  Please let me know by email or in the comments below.  Now let's spread awareness and raise some funds!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Post-Travel Updates

It's been awhile since I posted here or sent out a newsletter, despite how many things I would love to write about. In fact there are a number of drafts started but yet to be completed.  I've been a little distracted with life lately (which you can usually find my updates on Facebook) and just returned back to Bellingham after 3 weeks in Kansas (there really is no place like home!).  It's taking some time to rest and recover from traveling.  Between the heat, staying busy with friends and family, and the flights, I'm exhausted! 

A few quick updates:

Treatment Plan - Check out what I am doing now to manage and hopefully improve symptoms of GP.  This website was created to help raise some necessary funds to make this possible and share part of the journey as I explore options.  

Registered dietitian and FODMAP guru, Kate Scarlata, asked me to share a post about implementing the FODMAP diet with GP.  Her website has been incredibly informative and a positive inspiration for me this past year.  You can find the link here.

The Awareness Walk for Gastroparesis is in the planning stages and will be happening September 7th in Bellingham, WA.  There are a couple other potential locations that some are working on putting together so I will keep you updated.  T-shirts will be up for pre-sale soon with an exciting opportunity to be entered into a special drawing for a big prize!  More details to come this next week.  

And lastly, the next newsletter will be coming out in July after a 3 month hiatus!  If you have a favorite recipe you would like to share and have featured please email me at  

The one ingredient to include for July: coconut oil

Thank you to my readers who have sent me such kind emails about how this website has helped you on your own journey!  It is so comforting to know other enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing :)