Sunday, March 17, 2013

Baby Steps

Have you ever seen the movie with Bill Murray, "What About Bob?"  I recently suggested this to a friend to bring in some giggles and help cheer her up with the good belly aches.  A part that always makes me laugh is his (Bob's) interpretation of what his psychologist suggests doing, taking baby steps to improving his crazy mind.  Throughout the movie, whenever he feels overwhelmed he literally shuffles his feet forward, repeating "baby steps, baby steps."

I might not be that crazy but whenever moving a tiny step forward with my health, this becomes my mantra, even if previously moving many steps in reverse.  Sort of like looking at the glass half full.  It may not be where I want to be but it's something!

With TPN, I'm supposed to gain around 1-2 pounds a week.  The first month I went up 6 but the last 2 weeks it has remained the same, 99 lbs.  The plan is to increase the formula (even though between current formula and food intake I'm getting 2000 calories a day!) next week.  That said, I was just ecstatic when I weighed myself this morning and finally, finally it said 100.00!  As my mother keeps saying, soon you will hit the century mark.  Well mom, it happened, and though I still have a long ways to go, this is a baby step I am grateful for!

I'm going to celebrate with a brisk walk on the beach with Luna and her pal Rocky.  Then back to rest and relaxation, possibly a GP friendly chocolate smoothie for a treat ;)

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