Saturday, May 25, 2013

Low-FODMAP Garden - Spring

Now that spring has arrived and summer is just around the corner, it's time to grow some of my own foods!  Keep in mind these plants may not work for everyone.  I love to experiment and try new foods in small amounts to bring some color and nutrients into a restricted diet.  When prepared right, you might be surprised what you CAN have.

Following a low-FODMAP diet has probably been the best dietary change I've made to not only help get rid of the bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) last fall, but has continued to provide relief from bloating and nausea.  If you haven't seen my GP guide to this food list you can check it out here.

Stage one of the garden includes the following so far:

Strawberries - Juiced or added to smoothies using a Vitamix/Blendtec.
Chives - Chopped finely and added to soups or really any dish.  Otherwise, can be used for flavor in soups/broth, then removed before serving.

Zucchini - Cooked and used in soups and such as Bieler Broth, or a side/sauce with zucchini ribbons.

Romaine - Juiced
Spinach - Juiced, steamed and pureed, smoothies, omelette
Bok Choy - Soups (pureed if needed), omelette

Next on the list to plant include carrots, squash, herbs, and cucumbers!  Whatever I don't or can't use will go to friends who would love fresh, homegrown produce :)


  1. your garden looks awesome. i am going to try again. In arizona its hot now.

  2. Congrats on overcoming SIBO!
