Two days post-op the pain was becoming unbearable and something just didn't feel right. Following instructions, I called the surgeon (remember Dr.P, grrr) and left a message with the front desk for him to call me because of the concerns. For extra back up I called my primary care physician and spoke with his nurse. He has been an absolute angel over the years, carefully listens during visits and provides excellent care. His nurse sounds very concerned and passed info on to doctor as well as placed a call to surgeon. Dr. P calls me after this only to advise I stick with ibuprofen or any non-narcotic for pain and start taking laxatives. It couldn't possibly be the surgery so it must be slow bowels causing this.
Listening to my body I hold off on laxatives, which could be more irritating, and wait for my doctor's visit the next morning. My PCP, Dr. A (for angel ;) examines the area and within moments confirms it is infected, more so on the inside than out. He spends time sitting with me and coming up with a plan of action.
1) Immediately start antibiotics until culture comes back to determine if there is a specific kind to take. 2) Do something gentle to help get bowels moving. Myralax makes me more sick so he suggested the "magic juice" I have used in the past if regular magnesium isn't doing the trick.
3) Warm compress for the next few days to help fluid break up and release.
4) Bandage changes 3-4 times a day to keep area clean. Funny enough he suggested maxi pads as the best way to absorb and not irritate the area!
5) Rest, rest, rest.
6) Call if worsens such as fever, pain increase or vomiting, otherwise follow up visit next week to check up.
I started antibiotics yesterday and took half dose of "magic juice"(bottom of post) before bed. Another antibiotic today, 3 bm's later, and some healing vibes from good friends and I feel like I CAN get through this. I'm doing my best to focus on the medicine healing this infection instead of the things that could possibly go wrong. Like I always say, my favorite word is HOPE. To add to that, I spoke with a good GP friend today who seems to be getting better, the 2nd friend this month! So yes, there is hope, and that I will never give up on.
Beautiful blog entry! Love the start of it with the tree reference.